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People 1. 陪伴最多的親人 Describe one of the family members you spend most time with You should say: Who this person is What do you usually do together What kind of person she/he is Why you spend most time with him or her 2. 教你東西的一個人 Describe a person who taught you a lesson/something. You should say: Who he/she is What he/she taught you When he/she taught you; how he/she taught you And explain how you felt about it 3. 想見的新聞人物 Describe a person you saw in the news who you really want to meet You should say: How you know about the person When and where do you want to meet him or her Why you want to meet this person And explain how you might feel after meeting the person ... Place 1.理想房子 Describe an ideal house or apartment that you like You should say: what it is like Where it is When would like to live in and explain why it is ideal to you. 2. 成功的小企業 Describe a successful small company that you know You should say What it is How you know about it How it becomes successful And what do you feel about it 3. 擁擠的地方 Describe a crowded place You should say Where it is How you went there Who you went there with And explain how you felt about it ... Items 1.見過的有趣動物 Describe an interesting animal that you have ever seen You should say: What it is Where you saw it What happened And explain how you felt about it 2.你不喜歡的工作 Describe a job that you don』t want to be You should say: What it is Is it difficult or easy And explain why you do not want to get this job 3.難用的東西 Describe something you bought that was difficult to use at first You should say : What it is Where you bought it Why it was difficult to use And how about now. 4. 制服 Describe a uniform you wear( in a school or a company) You should say: When you usually wear it Who bought it for you What it is like And explain how you feel about it Events 1. 令你興奮的事情 Describe an exciting event that you have You should have been through You should say: What it is Where it happened When it happened And why you think it is exciting 2. 你最喜歡的一場演出 Describe a performance that you enjoyed You should say: What it was Who was on the performance When it was held Where it was held And explain why do you enjoyed it 3. 某人給我道歉的經歷 Describe/an experience that someone apologize to you You should say: When he/she apologized Where he/she apologized What he/she apologized to you And explain how you felt about it 4.困難的挑戰 Describe an experience that you went through a difficult challenge You should say: What it was When it happened Where it happened How you did with it And explain how you felt about it 5. 天氣阻擋了你想做的事 Describe an experience that you couldn』t do what you want because of the weather You should say: What it was When it happened Where it happened How you did with it 6. 不用手機的時候 Describe a time that you wouldn』t use mobile phone You should say: When it was Where it was Why you wouldn』t use mobile phone And explained why you wouldn』t use mobile phone 7. 當地的改變 Describe a change that can improve your local area You should say: What it was How this change could be made What problem this change brought And explain how you felt about it 8. 印象深刻的旅行(乘交通工具) Describe a trip you went on by public transportation You should say: Where you went What means of transportation you took Who you were with How you felt about the trip 9. 重要的新技能 Describe a new skill you learned that you think is important. You should say; What it is Whether it is difficult or not How you learned it And explain why you think it is important 10. 共同完成的項目 Describe a project that you did recently You should say: What the team is What role do you play in the team How do you do in the team And explain how you felt about it 11.重要旅程的延誤 Describe an experience that an important journey was delayed You should say: What it was Why it is important What caused the delay What happened in the end And explain how you felt about it 12.幫助別人 Describe an experience that you helped others before You should say: When it happened Where it happened Why you helped others And explain how you felt about it 13.未來想完成的目標 Describe a goal that you want to achieve in the future You should say: What it was Why you want to achieve it How you will do to achieve it And explain how you felt about it 14. 在雜誌或者網上看到的健康文章 Describe an article about healthy that you saw in the magazine or on the internet You should say: What the article was Where you saw it When you saw it And explain how you felt about it 15. 收到的一個重要簡訊 Describe a piece of important text message that you received You should say: What the message is When did you receive it What it was important And explain how you felt about it








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